HDFC - The Most Hopeless Bank Of India

Friday, 1 June 2007

Problem in banking with HDFC

Hi All,

I was really one of the most stupid person who had chosen HDFC for banking. Please have a look about (below) the problem I'm going through right now and don't know how long I would go for the same.

I'm sure many of you had the similar kind of experience in banking with HDFC. I therefore request you to please continue this blog by posting your comments and messages and let everyone know about service of HDFC.

Please find few more posts about HDFC horror:

I'll keep you updating about my problem till than here is the first installment:

> Subject: Re: NOTICE!
> To:
> CC:;;;
> From:
> Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 15:13:33 +0530
> Dear Mr Uttam,
> Please refer to our telecon & our other mails on this issue.
> At the outset, we regert for the inconvenience caused. You are requested to
> kindly arrange to send a written instructions to credit the said
> instrument in the account as required (Rakesh Kumar, A/C - 0261000130539).
> Please feel free to contact us incase of any further clarifications.
> Best Regards
> Raman Malhotra
> Branch Manager
> HDFC Bank Ltd
> 13-B, Bazar Marg,
> Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi - 110060
> Mobile: 09313061189
> Fax: +91-1125863560
> "Uttam Kumar"
>> cc: , ,
> 05/30/2007 02:43 Subject: NOTICE!
> AM
> Message for support: Give me full contact details of you higher
> authorities because I'm going to take some aggressive actions which might
> damage banks credibility and it's business and before doing that I wanted
> to inform them about my intension. Ignoring this message would be assumed
> that you are not concerned about consequences and allowing me to go ahead
> with the legal and media based options.
> Hi,
> This mail I had sent on May 22 and had asked about comment in written and
> via email. Till now no action had been taken so far. Lots of Customer
> Representative had promised almost everyday to update me over phone and
> all failed and it looks like bank is still not serious and not doing enough
> to resolve the issue. (Please see the case history as attached mail). Now I
> wouldn't wait long as I had already given you a NOTICE in advance about my
> intension. Within a week I will be taking appropriate action. Please be
> prepared the see the following actions from me:
> 1. Creating an internet based blog to explain the problems in banking with
> 2. Contacting Star News and NDTV to explain my problem and would ask for
> media help.
> 3. Will send press release to Times Of India, The Hindustan and The Hindu.
> 4. Will take legal action.
> To avoid please resolve these issues with appropriate compensation ASAP.
> Regards;
> Uttam Kumar

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Uttam Kumar
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 5:42 PM
> Subject: FW: Comment And Reply ASAP [Date & Time Recorded]
> Hi Raman,
> Please find a quick brief about my lost DD problem which I had discuss
> this morning telephonically. I request you to go through the detailed
> sections and comment about this mail and it's delivery confirmation in
> writing and via my registered email within TWO working days, failing to do
> this could lead you to a negligence of responsive action.
> Please also let me know your decision about Action Expected section in
> writing and via email within 14 working days. Failing to do this will lead
> you (Individual or organization) to face legal and media actions.
> I would also need your permission about recording our telephonic
> conversation in writing and via registered email.
> The Case
> A 27,000/- DD for Mr. Rakesh Kumar has been booked through netbanking on
> 02-May-2007 but till now (22-May-2007) it has not been delivered at
> destination.
> Beneficiary Followup and Responses
> DD beneficiary Mr. Rakesh Kumar has been talking to various HDFC Phone
> Banking Executives after 09-May 2007 and was unable to get any clear
> response till 16-May-2007.
> Mr. Rakesh Kumar gets a call from Operational Manager Mr. Siman
> Benjamin explaining that the above specified DD couldn't be delivered
> to the destination because the Blue Dart service was not available in
> the destination city. He also told beneficiary that he wouldn't be able
> to assist him any further and all quarries will only be answered to
> account owner Mr. Uttam Kumar.
> Account Owner's Followup and Responses
> Spoken to HDFC ORN Branch, call handled by Vivek Mahajan confirmed that
> he has no idea about the missing DD and need a day for investigation.
> (17-May-2006)
> Spoken to HDFC ORN Branch, call handled by Vivek Mahajan confirmed DD
> is not in his branch, may be returned to Chennai and he wouldn't be
> able to track the DD as he has no instrument to locate the DD.
> (18-May-2006)
> Spoken to HDFC ORN Branch, call handled by Vivek Mahajan, asked him
> to connect to branch manager and was told that branch manager is busy
> (twice) and wouldn't be able to talk. He had taken my mobile no and
> mail id and promised me that branch manager will get in touch with me
> but didn't get any response. (18-May-2006).
> Called branch manager on his mobile about 4-5 times but no answer all
> the time. (18-May-2006).
> Spoken to Amrita at Customer Services Delhi and Customer Service
> Supervisor in Mumbai to get the contact details of higher management
> but both logged a complain and told me to wait for 48 working hours.
> (18-May-2006).
> Called Vivek Mahajan and he told me that DD is not in his branch and he
> wouldn't be able to track the DD as he has no instrument to locate the
> DD. (22-May-2006)
> Called Customer Services about status, she promised me that I will be
> emailed the status by the end of day. (22-May-2006)
> Called Vivek Mahajan, he confirmed me that DD is in his branch and he
> would liquidate the DD into beneficiary account today. (22-May-2006)
> Spoken to Raman Malhotra about written status and compensation about
> delayed payment as per RBI rules. (22-May-2006)
> Concerns
> How can an Operational Manager ( Mr. Siman Benjamin) say that DD
> wouldn't be sent to the destination because Blue Dart Service is not
> there. If this is the case than why netbanking allowed me to book the
> DD for that location?
> Why Mr. Siman Benjamin has told beneficiary that he would not give him
> any update about the payment booked for him only?
> Why Mr. Siman Benjamin OR Mr. Vivek Mahajan has given false
> information about location of the DD?
> Why bank didn't contact me about failure of DD delivery?
> Action Expected
> It would not be acceptable from a bank to misuse customer's fund by
> doing such kind of negligence because it directly effects the banking
> credibility. I therefore would ask you to take the following actions as
> soon as possible:
> 1) liquidate the DD into beneficiary account (Rakesh Kumar, A/C -
> 0261000130539, Branch Name Old Rajendra Nager Branch) without any
> further delay.
> 2) Comment on each concern I raised above.
> 3) The delayed payment had cost my economical and metal damage and
> therefore I would ask for INR 1000/- for each day (Delayed). Bank would
> also pay my telephone bills and my solicitor's bill as per Banking
> Ombudsman Scheme under non-payment or inordinate delay in the payment
> or collection of cheques, drafts section.
> Please feel free to get in touch with me in case of any clarification
> required.
> Regards;
> Uttam Kumar
