Friday, 1 June 2007

Problem in banking with HDFC

Hi All,

I was really one of the most stupid person who had chosen HDFC for banking. Please have a look about (below) the problem I'm going through right now and don't know how long I would go for the same.

I'm sure many of you had the similar kind of experience in banking with HDFC. I therefore request you to please continue this blog by posting your comments and messages and let everyone know about service of HDFC.

Please find few more posts about HDFC horror:

I'll keep you updating about my problem till than here is the first installment:

> Subject: Re: NOTICE!
> To:
> CC:;;;
> From:
> Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 15:13:33 +0530
> Dear Mr Uttam,
> Please refer to our telecon & our other mails on this issue.
> At the outset, we regert for the inconvenience caused. You are requested to
> kindly arrange to send a written instructions to credit the said
> instrument in the account as required (Rakesh Kumar, A/C - 0261000130539).
> Please feel free to contact us incase of any further clarifications.
> Best Regards
> Raman Malhotra
> Branch Manager
> HDFC Bank Ltd
> 13-B, Bazar Marg,
> Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi - 110060
> Mobile: 09313061189
> Fax: +91-1125863560
> "Uttam Kumar"
>> cc: , ,
> 05/30/2007 02:43 Subject: NOTICE!
> AM
> Message for support: Give me full contact details of you higher
> authorities because I'm going to take some aggressive actions which might
> damage banks credibility and it's business and before doing that I wanted
> to inform them about my intension. Ignoring this message would be assumed
> that you are not concerned about consequences and allowing me to go ahead
> with the legal and media based options.
> Hi,
> This mail I had sent on May 22 and had asked about comment in written and
> via email. Till now no action had been taken so far. Lots of Customer
> Representative had promised almost everyday to update me over phone and
> all failed and it looks like bank is still not serious and not doing enough
> to resolve the issue. (Please see the case history as attached mail). Now I
> wouldn't wait long as I had already given you a NOTICE in advance about my
> intension. Within a week I will be taking appropriate action. Please be
> prepared the see the following actions from me:
> 1. Creating an internet based blog to explain the problems in banking with
> 2. Contacting Star News and NDTV to explain my problem and would ask for
> media help.
> 3. Will send press release to Times Of India, The Hindustan and The Hindu.
> 4. Will take legal action.
> To avoid please resolve these issues with appropriate compensation ASAP.
> Regards;
> Uttam Kumar

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Uttam Kumar
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 5:42 PM
> Subject: FW: Comment And Reply ASAP [Date & Time Recorded]
> Hi Raman,
> Please find a quick brief about my lost DD problem which I had discuss
> this morning telephonically. I request you to go through the detailed
> sections and comment about this mail and it's delivery confirmation in
> writing and via my registered email within TWO working days, failing to do
> this could lead you to a negligence of responsive action.
> Please also let me know your decision about Action Expected section in
> writing and via email within 14 working days. Failing to do this will lead
> you (Individual or organization) to face legal and media actions.
> I would also need your permission about recording our telephonic
> conversation in writing and via registered email.
> The Case
> A 27,000/- DD for Mr. Rakesh Kumar has been booked through netbanking on
> 02-May-2007 but till now (22-May-2007) it has not been delivered at
> destination.
> Beneficiary Followup and Responses
> DD beneficiary Mr. Rakesh Kumar has been talking to various HDFC Phone
> Banking Executives after 09-May 2007 and was unable to get any clear
> response till 16-May-2007.
> Mr. Rakesh Kumar gets a call from Operational Manager Mr. Siman
> Benjamin explaining that the above specified DD couldn't be delivered
> to the destination because the Blue Dart service was not available in
> the destination city. He also told beneficiary that he wouldn't be able
> to assist him any further and all quarries will only be answered to
> account owner Mr. Uttam Kumar.
> Account Owner's Followup and Responses
> Spoken to HDFC ORN Branch, call handled by Vivek Mahajan confirmed that
> he has no idea about the missing DD and need a day for investigation.
> (17-May-2006)
> Spoken to HDFC ORN Branch, call handled by Vivek Mahajan confirmed DD
> is not in his branch, may be returned to Chennai and he wouldn't be
> able to track the DD as he has no instrument to locate the DD.
> (18-May-2006)
> Spoken to HDFC ORN Branch, call handled by Vivek Mahajan, asked him
> to connect to branch manager and was told that branch manager is busy
> (twice) and wouldn't be able to talk. He had taken my mobile no and
> mail id and promised me that branch manager will get in touch with me
> but didn't get any response. (18-May-2006).
> Called branch manager on his mobile about 4-5 times but no answer all
> the time. (18-May-2006).
> Spoken to Amrita at Customer Services Delhi and Customer Service
> Supervisor in Mumbai to get the contact details of higher management
> but both logged a complain and told me to wait for 48 working hours.
> (18-May-2006).
> Called Vivek Mahajan and he told me that DD is not in his branch and he
> wouldn't be able to track the DD as he has no instrument to locate the
> DD. (22-May-2006)
> Called Customer Services about status, she promised me that I will be
> emailed the status by the end of day. (22-May-2006)
> Called Vivek Mahajan, he confirmed me that DD is in his branch and he
> would liquidate the DD into beneficiary account today. (22-May-2006)
> Spoken to Raman Malhotra about written status and compensation about
> delayed payment as per RBI rules. (22-May-2006)
> Concerns
> How can an Operational Manager ( Mr. Siman Benjamin) say that DD
> wouldn't be sent to the destination because Blue Dart Service is not
> there. If this is the case than why netbanking allowed me to book the
> DD for that location?
> Why Mr. Siman Benjamin has told beneficiary that he would not give him
> any update about the payment booked for him only?
> Why Mr. Siman Benjamin OR Mr. Vivek Mahajan has given false
> information about location of the DD?
> Why bank didn't contact me about failure of DD delivery?
> Action Expected
> It would not be acceptable from a bank to misuse customer's fund by
> doing such kind of negligence because it directly effects the banking
> credibility. I therefore would ask you to take the following actions as
> soon as possible:
> 1) liquidate the DD into beneficiary account (Rakesh Kumar, A/C -
> 0261000130539, Branch Name Old Rajendra Nager Branch) without any
> further delay.
> 2) Comment on each concern I raised above.
> 3) The delayed payment had cost my economical and metal damage and
> therefore I would ask for INR 1000/- for each day (Delayed). Bank would
> also pay my telephone bills and my solicitor's bill as per Banking
> Ombudsman Scheme under non-payment or inordinate delay in the payment
> or collection of cheques, drafts section.
> Please feel free to get in touch with me in case of any clarification
> required.
> Regards;
> Uttam Kumar



Unknown said...

I completely agree with you about the level of the service of the HDFC bank. One of the worst bank I have ever experienced. I am trying for the last 12hrs to login its net banking service, the netbanking login page is not coming because their server down. That is their service. There is no responsibility to them to intimate the customers, atleast by simply posting a message saying that due to technical problem service is not available. If you go on telling like these, there are several problems with them. Please better to keep away from this bank.

Unknown said...

Its true..Its been more than 12 hrs since the netbanking is not working ...worst part is they didnt even realise that user can not open login page but end up with message -"The page cannot be displayed" ..finally they got this fixed/updated stating :"Dear Customer, you may face some problem in your Netbanking transaction for some time today"that too after 12 hrs :).

kevin said...

i agree that their netbanking server was down.they rectified it later on the international debit card they gave me is not working in US which they had promised me would work...i am furious.just because they offered my cousin a job if he arranged 7 customers,i opted for this bank.........

sunny said...

Shokingly, I am getting regular mails regarding deductions of money from my "so called" account with HDFC. Money, in thousands of rupees at times, is being transferred to some other account.

I DO NOT HOLD AN ACCOUNT WITH HDFC AT ALL!! Then how could they do it??

Raj Deshetty said...

Really i am frustated working with HDFC Bank, even not only banking with HDFC is a problem, but working with HDFC is also a problem, i don't know what they are thinking themselve, may be the no. 1 bank, but they are really harassing their employee like anything, i have been working with HDFC since two months, but our seniors are harashing us a lot using abusing words and all, yes may be we are strucked in recession peroid, the market condition is bad but we are POST GRADUATED and all, any way i am ready to leave this job but they have not paid a single paise as salary to me till date........

Raj Deshetty said...

Really i am frustated working with HDFC Bank, even not only banking with HDFC is a problem, but working with HDFC is also a problem, i don't know what they are thinking themselve, may be the no. 1 bank, but they are really harassing their employee like anything, i have been working with HDFC since two months, but our seniors are harashing us a lot using abusing words and all, yes may be we are strucked in recession peroid, the market condition is bad but we are POST GRADUATED and all, any way i am ready to leave this job but they have not paid a single paise as salary to me till date........

Truth Be Told said...

I am forced and frustrated customer of HDFC. My account was with Centurion Bank which was merged with HDFC so I by default became HDFC customer. Due to my extensive travel abroad my account with Centurion (now HDFC) became dormant. On Dec 23, 2008 I submitted all documents that bank's relationship manager asked and requested to activate the account. I was told it will be done by 4PM same day. I kep checking. It was not activated till Dec 28. On Dec 29, I was told my account is active now and I could now write cheques. I wrote a cheque to my friend from HDFC account. When the cheque was presented by my friend for deposit in his ICICI account, the cheque was rejected; reason: Account is Frozen. I have made innumerable calls to see that the account is activated. I have been told, it is being done. It is now Feb 17, 2009, my account is still NOT activated by HDFC bank. When I call various managers either their phone is busy or there is no response. Let's all close our accounts with HDFC -- the MOST HOPLESS Bank.

vasudevanradhakrishnannair said...

I also agree with you this is one of the most hopeless banks india has ever seen I applied for two loan they took processing charges of rs. 1600 and 1000 but I got no loan. They are there only to collect processing fee and not to sanction loan and even if they sanction they will sanction a meagre amount so that we will be compelled to tell that we do not ned you loan. I will never approach them for any banking products I took the pledge.

Unknown said...

worst system over all, they could not send my atm pin to my local address by TNT for over 3 months as that courier did not have service there, but assured me to send by register post never sent. but send a check book on time, why could they not send pin # the same way?
Now they are asking me to change my address to USA address and they will deliver pin to US.

Unknown said...

I am having an account with HDFC. I opened my account around 2 yrs back. But since last 3 months the service have been so poor that I cannot pay my bills online. The HDFC netbanking is not working with any of the services like my airtel and reliance mobile, indian railways. Now I am back to square one and have to pay all my bills through credit card.

RAJA said...

You people are exactly right. we haven't seen this much worst sercice in any other carporate bank.

I have applied for the Personal loan and it was reject with out valid reason. They had taken more than 2 days time for tell the reason (it was also foolish).

gora said...

Thanks.I am a freelancer and get payments from my clients through paypal.Other banks take 2 days time to transfer the payment to local bank but HDFC takes near about 7 days time to do so..
Really a bad company and also I had a bad experience handling a DD.

Pulin said...

Very funny.....the branch contact nos are the same for all their mumbai branch Check

and this is a call center no all automatic, if you wants to speak to customer service you are not be able to because its a computerised nos and don,t gives options to speak to customer service executive.
so simply you are not allowed to call their branch, you have to become stupid (even if you are not) and for the small work also you have to visit their branch (taking half day or special time out of your schedule)


Beatrice said...

I had gone to deposit some money in HDFC bank - Nehru Place branch -on 3rd Sept 2011. The executive informed me that they would take a charge of Rs. 110/- from the Account holder. When I told her that I would make the payment, she did not listen and started giving me some (useless) suggestions. I just came back. First of all I do not understand as to why they charge for deposits done online/on Internet. Most of the banks do not take any fee/charge from either side when we deposit money. I understand they charge only when the amount exceeds Rs.25000/50000. I did visit HDFC bank earlier as well - some 3/4 years back for information on loan - but they did not give me any proper information. That attitude of theirs surprised me a lot and now these strange rules of 'charging the Account holder'.

Thank God I do not have an account with them.

Satish said...

omfg ce

Sanjay Bhardwaj said...

Have been trying since morning to depsoit money into my daughters account in bangalore , they say they cannot accept as erver is down , try after an hour , have been to 3 branches and still trying but it seems it canot be done today and it was very important to deposit todays world such an excuse is inpardonable .....they should be dragged to consumer court

gurmeet said...

I want to close my HDFC bank a/c. but I am not getting guidance to close it. I reached in Home Branch to know that how much amount I need to maintain HDCF a/c, Representative says 5000, as I diposited the 5000, charges getting deduct. Later I came to knew that it should be 10,000. So if your employee dont know how much amount need to maintain in same branch. HDFC bank staff is highly careless and customer care is wrost.
I am writing you but my experience with HDFC says I will not get any help.

Rmoneyproblemsinstatrade said...

My account is with HDFC Bank HAL Airport Road Bangalore. I have fd's with this bank in their other branches in Bangalore, as there was no tds for amounts <10, 000/branch till 01-06-2015. Last week they REDUCED THE FD capital to recover the tds and NO PRIOR INTIMATION WAS GIVEN not any break up on the tds amount reduced from the Fd, while the same could have been deducted from the savings account. ASSUME they do this for 1 cr people and recover 800 rs./account as tds then they save 800*9.25%= 74 Cr as interest, if the tds was recovered from the saving account this amount would have been payable by them. How many will complain that 800 rs. was reduced from the FD amount? The above has been done intentionally to reduce their costs, had the interest rates gone up would the have done the same. There was no reply from their md till the time of writing though action was promised in 4 working days which ended on 10-07-2015. My mail was addressed to,

This is to inform others about my experience

MandagereRavi said...

i was given a credit card by their sales staff. when i got the card,it was of 14 digits. many dealers do not accept 14 digits, hdfc bank login also wants 16 digits. i have not activated the card but im getting a reminder that i am due 822 rs and becoming more each month. have not used the card nor authorsed any payments. have written, emailed and even spoke to them. ALL TO NO sAVAIL.
I,m 80 and do not like to be conned like this